Complex Care
Our staff provide holistic assessment, care and support. We do not believe in task driven care, we believe in every person having the right to live a dignified life, however they choose.
Quality of life is everything and our staff will help you to decide and plan how this can be maintained or improved complex care facility.
We are ahead of the game and we will do our upmost to support you with your choices no matter how big or small.
Our highly trained complex care team recognise that the comfort of your own home, surrounded by family and friends, gives you control and adds to your overall wellbeing and independence.
Complex Care Services
Our support staff are currently working to support service users with:
Ventilator care – support with connecting and disconnecting your ventilator including NIPPI 3 and Cpap, support changing and cleaning your filters and tubing, support in recognising and managing problems with your ventilator.
Tracheostomy care – we are able to undertake a full tracheostomy change, assist with inner cannula changing and cleaning and with care of your stoma site.
Ambu-bagging – manual ventilation where clinical signs indicate respiratory difficulties require it.
Cough assist – checking and ensuring settings are correct. Fully assisting in the use of your cough assist either manual or automatic.
Chest physio – administer prescribed plan of care from physiotherapist.
Suction – we are able to provide both shallow oral suctioning and deep suction via tracheostomy using either a closed or open suction catheter system.
Bowel care – from assisting you into the right position to digital evacuation and bowel stimulation, including use of suppositories and enema’s.
Stoma care – care of the stoma site and emptying of stoma bag.
Catheter care – including intermittent catheterisation, care of your suprapubic site and catheter and recognition and management of urinary tract infections.
Oxygen therapy – recognising the signs of oxygen desaturation such as cyanosis and assisting to apply oxygen whether this is delivered via nasal cannula, face mask or tracheostomy using cylinders or condensers.
Epilepsy management – dealing with injury arising from a seizure administration of midazolam and diazepam.
Gastrostomy care – care of the stoma site, administering medication, water and food via PEG tube using both gravity and pumps.
We Provide Complex Care Solutions For Brain Injuries
We support our service users who have a Brain Injury (either Acquired or Traumatic) to select a team of staff which meets your individual needs, this team will work closely to help you reach your goals. Our staff work closely with the multi-disciplinary team to continuously strive to reach your identified outcomes.
We are experienced in dealing with the challenging behaviour which is often a part of a Brain Injury, through working closely and developing relationships with you and your family these can be well managed by a team that knows and understands you as an individual.
All of our support staff will be trained specifically in your needs by a Clinical Nurse Manager and once deemed competent will continue to have ongoing support and supervision.
Spinal Cord Injury
A Spinal Cord Injury is a life changing event, it effects the entire family and can be emotionally difficult for all to deal with. With the right support and positive team attitude, however, you can achieve amazing things.
Spinal Cord Injury can become an enriching and life changing injury, relationships made with others in the same position can lead to lifetime friendships and a fulfilled life. Many of our staff support you to enjoy extreme sports, gym, athletics, holidays and ongoing education.
Every individual will have different needs and we will support you in living your life to its full potential; our service is tailored around you.
Cerebral Palsy
Our focus is on your specific needs, depending upon your age and your individual goals and aspirations. Working with you and your family we will tailor the care you receive to meet these goals. Through support at school, university and in the work place we can ensure that you develop into the person you choose and barriers are overcome to help achieve this.
Choosing the right team to support you is essential and the relationships which develop will enrich your life and that of your family.
We Provide 24 Hour Care Complex Care At Home
We provide 24 hour care packages to people whose needs require this level of support. This care is provided to both Adults and Children in their own homes. Dependent upon need this care can be delivered in shifts by a team of staff if waking nights are required or on a live in basis.
Our Clinical Nurse Managers will work with you and your family to devise a plan of care that is specific to your needs and wishes.
Care Plan
We will work closely with you to develop an individualised care plan which meets your needs and ensures your aspirations are outcomes that we are striving to attain with you. Your Care plan will be regularly reviewed and changed as your goals and abilities change.
Support Workers
We recognise the importance of building good relationships with support workers who share common interests and have a local knowledge of the community you live in. In order to ensure that you get the best from our staff we will short list a selection of candidates for you to then meet.
We Also provide Support for old age, like walking support for old age.
You will then be fully involved with the selection of your support staff. It is paramount that the support worker and you are able to build a relationship which will then enhance your life.
Customer testimonials
I am so grateful to you all for the patience and humour showed in dealing with my husbands illness. He so enjoyed his trips out and felt everyone understood his quirky sense of humour, you made his time at home more easy to bear. My very best wishes to you all, you do a wonderful job.